Species details
Platyplectrum spenceri (Spencer's Burrowing Frog)
Size range: Males up to 44 mm & females up to 49 mm long
Regions: North East, North West
Description: These are medium-sized squat frogs. They are usually brown with darker and lighter brown markings.
Habitat: This species can be quite common in their preferred habitats in arid areas from spinifex plains to rocky deserts. They are often found along creeks at night in arid areas. They spend the half of the year when they are not breeding underground encased in a cocoon of their own skin.
Call description: A rapid 'ho-ho-ho'
Breeding behaviour: Once the heavy rains start, they will break from their cocoon to feed and breed at the surface. Up to 1130 eggs are laid in a foam nest in rock holes of hills and ranges. Tadpoles grow to about 30 mm and are dark brown with a mottled tail fin. They may complete development in 40 days.