Species details
Neobatrachus sutor (Shoemaker Frog)
Size range: Length from nose to rear is up to 42 mm (males) and 51 mm (females).
Regions: North West
Description: The Shoemaker's Frog is a round, short legged frog with a yellow or golden back, marked with irregular brown blotches. Their belly is white. Their skin is smooth above and below, and their toes are fully webbed.
Habitat: They are a burrowing species that inhabits low-lying clay or loamy soil that fills with water after heavy rain.
Conservation status: V (NPWSA)
Call description: Their common and specific names refer to its call, which is like the tap-tap-tap of a shoemaker hitting a nail into a shoe.
Breeding behaviour: Shoemaker Frogs can burrow for extended periods to avoid drought or heat, usually emerging only after rain. They breed in summer, laying large numbers of eggs in still water in clay pans after heavy rain.