Species details
Geocrinia laevis (Smooth Frog)
Size range: Up to 40 mm long
Regions: South East
Description: The body of the Smooth Frog is grey or brown, sometimes with small red spots. The underside of their hind legs and groin has pink patches.
Habitat: Smooth Frogs shelter beneath the vegetation and leaf litter and are found in damp areas with vegetation, including forests and shrublands.
Conservation status: R (NPWSA)
Call description: It calls in long bursts, 'cra-a-a-a-a-a-a-ck, cra-a-ack, cra-a-ack' during March, April, May & November
Breeding behaviour: They breed between January and April with approximately 150 large eggs laid in loose, elongated masses in moist leaf litter or in the bases of grass tussocks. Larvae develop within the eggs until the breeding site is flooded and then they are released as tadpoles. Tadpoles are then free-swimming and take approximately 6 months to complete development.