Species details
Crinia parinsignifera (Murray Valley Froglet)
Size range: Up to 30 mm long.
Regions: Murray Valley
Description: The body colour and pattern is highly variable but their back is mostly brown or black in colour (can also be grey) with a striped, plain or marbled pattern. Their belly is rough with small lumps, and white with grey to black spots.
Habitat: Murray Valley Froglets are difficult to see, but are often heard calling from leaf litter or under logs and other debris in woodlands, open disturbed areas and particularly around temporarily flooded areas.
Call description: Its call is a long, 'squeeeelcchh' or 'eeeeeek' repeated every few seconds. It calls in all months except June.
Breeding behaviour: They breed mostly in mid-winter and scatter their eggs, which usually take three months to become tadpoles.
Easily confused with: It looks just like the Common Froglet (Crinia signifera).