Species details
Crinia deserticola (Desert Froglet)
Size range: Length from nose to rear 20 mm
Regions: North East
Description: Desert Froglets have very warty, grey skin with variable darker markings on back. Their pupils are horizontal. They have a pale, unmarked belly, robust rear legs, and their toes are not webbed, but with a fringe.
Habitat: They are found under leaves and litter near either temporary or permanent waters such as creek beds, claypans and river channels.
Call description: Its call is a pleasant bird-like chirp.
Breeding behaviour: They lay their eggs in clumps attached to vegetation in very shallow water.
Easily confused with: It can be mistaken for the Common Froglet (Crinia signifera) or the Murray Valley Froglet (Crinia perinsignifera) , but it is smaller and its chirping call is quite different.